Scottish Ministers are currently recruiting to fill vacancies on the Board of the Scottish Housing Regulator. Ministers are seeking people who have core skills including: working in a team, confidence and ability to challenge constructively, communication and influencing and the ability to analyse and review complex issues. In addition they are looking for at least one of the following priority skills:
- current or recent experience as a practicing Scottish solicitor representing vulnerable clients;
- understanding of regulation delivery in any sector;
- understanding of the green agenda in the built environment; or
- understanding of digital developments and cyber security.
Lots more information and support is available for applicants on our website Becoming a board member | Scottish Housing Regulator There will also be information events for interested candidates on the 9th and 10 June and the links to register are available on our website.
To help us attract the best applicants, I would be really grateful if you could please promote these opportunities amongst your networks. We have pinned links in our twitter account @shr_news and welcome retweets.
Many thanks for your help and kind regards,