Apply for a Home
Kingsridge Cleddans Housing Association in partnership with Cernach Housing Association and Pineview Housing Association operate a Common Housing Allocation Policy.
We maintain an open list and anyone aged 16 or over can be admitted to the list.
To make an application for housing from any of the landlords listed above, please complete the online application at
We will assess your housing need and advise you in writing of your points total.
Internal Transfers
The Association also operate an internal transfer list in order to try and meet the needs, demands and aspirations of current tenants. Applicants can apply for an internal transfer for:
- Overcrowding
- Medical Mobility reasons
- Social priority reasons
- Aspirational reasons (no housing need)
Availability of housing
We have a very low turnover of properties to re-let, we currently average approximately 12 vacancies for re-let per year.
We have over 600 applicants on our housing list and demand for housing greatly exceeds the supply of housing which becomes available for let.
There is a particularly high demand for family sized properties (4 & 5 apartments) and for properties that have been adapted for wheelchair users.
Applicants should therefore be aware that we are unable to meet the needs, demands and aspirations of all applicants on our housing list.
Applicants should also be aware that their position on the list can change on a regular basis as new applicants are admitted to the list.
If you require homelessness advice and assistance, during office hours, then you should contact Health and Social Care Connect on 0141 287 0555.
You can also request homelessness assistance on-line
If you require assistance after 4.45pm Monday to Thursday or 3.55pm on a Friday or weekends and public holidays, then please contact the Emergency Out of Hours Homelessness Service on 0800 838 502.
You can also visit the Glasgow City Council Homelessness Page
How do we access housing applications?
We have 3 main categories of applicants for the administration of our Allocation Policy:-
- Homeless applicants
- Housing list applicants
- Internal Transfer applicants
Properties are allocated on the basis of housing need and applicants are awarded housing need points in accordance with assessed criteria.
A key objective of the Common Housing Allocation Policy is to make the best use of available stock and the use of the allocations process to assist in the establishment and maintenance of a stable, balanced community.
To help meet this objective we have developed a Lettings Plan within the framework of the Allocation Policy. The lettings plan is underpinned by a quota system to allocate properties within the various groups of applicants.
- Group 1 - Homeless applicants - 60% of lets
- Group 2 - General Needs - 25% of lets
- Group 3 - Internal Transfer - 15% of lets
- Group 4 - External Referrals - As required
Any applicants being considered for an offer of housing will be visited to establish that all details recorded in the application form are correct. Tenancy checks will also be carried out with current/previous landlords where appropriate.