Get Involved

Potential committee members are often unsure of exactly what is involved in becoming a committee member so we have prepared a list of questions and answers which might persuade you to join the Management Committee.

1. What is Kingsridge Cleddans Housing Association?

We are a voluntary organisation operating as a Registered Social Landlord (RSL). We were extensively involved in the regeneration of the area and provided a range of good quality affordable homes for people in housing need. Our development programme was completed in 2006 and we are now primarily responsible for managing and maintaining properties under our ownership.

2. What makes it different?

We are controlled by local people and our local base and scale of operation enables us to take accountoflocalneeds,demands andcircumstances.

3. Who runs the Association?

The Association is run by a Management Committee elected from the members of the Association. We are hoping that you will help us continue the good work of the Association by becoming a member of the Association and participating in the business of the Management Committee which meets on the last Tuesday of each month.

The Management Committee determine how the Association will be run and the staff have responsibility for implementing the agreed policies and procedures to ensure the day to day running of the Association.

4. Do I have to be a member of the Association?

Yes. Membership is open to anyone aged 16 and over who are;

  • Tenants of the Association

  • Service Users of the Association

  • Other persons who support the objects of the Association

  • Organisations sympathetic to the objects of the Association.

    5. How do I become a member of the Association?

    Simply complete a Share Certificate application form and submit it and the lifetime fee of £1 The application will then be considered at the next Management Committee meeting for approval. Once approved, that’s it, you are a member of the Association.

    6. What does membership mean?

    Membership entitles you to be invited to the Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).

    As a member you have a vote, you can be nominated and elected onto the Management Committee at the AGM or co-opted onto the Management Committee after the AGM.

    7. .What does membership of the Management Committee entail?
    Although many of our members have developed particular skills and experience through being a

    member of the Management Committee.

    The great thing about being a Committee member is that you don't have to be an expert, you just require common sense, commitment and enthusiasm. The Association can provide all the help and assistance you require to have as a Committee member through:

    • Advice and support from existing Committee members

• Internal and external training Conferences and seminars • Provision of a Committee members handbook

8. How much time is involved?

The Management Committee meets monthly and meetings usually only last a maximum of 2 hours. You should also set aside 30 minutes per month to read minutes and


9. What kind of issues does the Management Committee get involved with?

Almost everything, but the main areas are:

• Appointing contractors
• Agreeing targets for repairs
• Maintaining the property standards • Investing in future replacements
• Monitoring contractor performance


• Allocations policy
• Tenancy agreements • Monitoring arrears

Tenant participation and consultation • Estate management

• Annual budget
• Monitoring income and expenditure • Approving accounts

• Employing staff
• Staff and committee training • Health and safety

10. Does the Management Committee have access to confidential information
concerning Housing Association tenants?
No. The Committee are involved in Housing Management issues and receive reports on rent arrears, estate management and house allocations but no names and addresses are divulged in these reports. Any cases referred to are assigned a specific coded case reference number to ensure complete confidentiality at all times.
Committee members are not allowed access to tenancy files and the Association have a strict code of conduct to ensure confidentiality is maintained at all times.

11. Does being a Committee Member cost anything?

No. You are only required to be a member of the Association before you are eligible to join the Committee. The Association will pay expenses, where appropriate, to ensure that no member is "out of pocket" as a consequence of attending meetings, training courses, seminars etc.

Types of expenses which may be paid include:

• Travelling expenses to attend courses or seminars held outwith the area • Childminding expenses
• Subsistence allowance

The Association have a policy which regulates the payment of any such expenses and this policy is reviewed regularly take account of changing needs and circumstances.

12. What if I don't feel confident about making decisions?

The Management Committee has important responsibilities and are required to make decisions on particular issues as outlined in question 9 .

Decisions are made collectively following detailed discussion and after getting appropriate advice.

You will be surprised how much you will learn and already know and advice and assistance is always at hand if you are ever unsure about anything.

13. What do I do next?

We can arrange for a current Committee member to visit you about this and they can give you the benefit of their experience.

Alternatively, you can call into the office for an informal discussion with the Director, John Docherty.